The Bride of Frankenstein Digital Wallpaper
Succubus Wallpaper
Spring Witches Digital Wallpaper
Little Shop of Horrors Wallpaper
Lily Munster Wallpaper
Camp Crystal Lake Lifeguard Wallpaper
Mummy Wallpaper
Nightmare on Elm Street Wallpaper
Addams Wallpaper
Halloween Babysitter Wallpaper
Vampire Feast Wallpaper
Krampus Wallpaper
Digital Wallpapers
Bride of Frankenstein
Digital wallpaper designs inspired by vintage wallpaper. The wallpaper design includes a high-resolution image of the Swimsuit Horror Babes Collection.
Glowing Succubus
Digital wallpaper designs inspired by vintage wallpaper. The wallpaper design includes a high-resolution image of the Swimsuit Horror Babes Collection.
Spring Equinox Witches
Digital wallpaper designs inspired by vintage wallpaper. The wallpaper design includes a high-resolution image of the Swimsuit Horror Babes Collection.
The Audreys
Vintage-inspired wallpaper of botanical illustrations. Little shop of Horror featuring both Audreys
Lily Munster
Vintage-inspired Moroccan tile pattern. Influenced by California's home of luxury and their classy swimming pools.
Camp Crystal Lake Lifeguard
Using the lifeguard cross, the lifeguard defends against Jason with this symmetrical wallpaper design softened by florals.
Mummy Princess
Inspired by hieroglyphics on Ancient Egypt, The princess is immortalized in a mural of her offering to Anubis.
Dream Warrior
Inspired by geometric repetitive wallpapers with dreams oozing through the designs!
Addams Family
Inspired by Victorian wallpapers with romantic elements.
Halloween Baby Sitter
Inspired by retro 50’s inspired Halloween decor.
Vampire Feast
Inspired by spilled wine and ink blot test designs
Krampus Wallpaper
Inspired by folk art and wood block cut outs